There are 2 ways you can get to ExplaindioPlayer.
When you purchase ExplaindioPlayer you will get your Explaindio Member Account login details. If you already have a Member account use your Explaindio Member account login credentials to login to your Member Account.
Login to your Explaindio Member Account in this URL:
Use the Username and Password you created to login.
Once you Login to your Explaindio Member account go to your ExplaindioPlayer App content area by clicking the link "Click Here to Access Explaindio Player & Tutorials"
Click the button called "Click Here to Access ExplaindioPlayer"
2. You can simply visit URL: and login to your ExplaindioPlayer.
To Login to ExplaindioPlayer enter your E-mail address you used to sign up for Explaindio Member Account and your Explaindio Member Account Password (the same password you used for logging into your Membership area). Click I agree to accept the cookie policy and click Login.