First please make sure if you have ClipDramatizer 2.0 VIP Library access link added in your Explaindio Membership Account. Login to your Explaindio Membership Account using following credentials:


Email: Your Sign-up Email ID

Password: Your Explaindio Membership Account Password

Once Logged in you will find the ClipDramatizer 2.0 VIP Library access link below your active resource. Now the next step is to confirm if it's active in your ClipDramatizer 2.0 software. 

Open-up your ClipDramatizer 2.0 software. Make sure you logged in your Explaindio Membership account credentials inside the software. Here is a support article which might help: How To Activate My User In ClipDramatizer 2.0 Software? 

Go to NEXT and count the number of effects. You'd have 111 Animated Effects and 172 Static Effects. Total effect count would be 283.