1. Download Motioney on your Mac system. Locate installer package file on your download directory and double-click on the Motioney***.pkg file.

In case you encounter an error here is how you can bypass it. If  you don't get any error, skip to Step 7.

2. If you see an error saying "Motioney***.pkg" can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer, click OK.

3. Search for System and open your System Preferences.

4. On System Preferences open Security & Privacy.

5. On Security & Privacy in General tab under Allow apps download from: you’d see  “Motioney ***.pkg” was blocked from opening because it is not from an identified developer. Click Open Anyway.

6. Click Open. 

7. Motioney Installer will start. Click Continue.

8. Click Agree to accept License Agreement.

9. Click Install.

10. Installer will install Motioney on your Mac and when done you’d see The Installation was successful. Click Close to finish the installation process and close the installer.