If you can't find an email in your Inbox regarding your Sign-up/purchase please check your Spam or Junk Email folder. However, you may try logging into your Explaindio Membership area using the following details:
URL: https://account.explaindio.com
Username: Your Sign-Up Email Address
Password: Your Sign-up Password
In case you are unable to login, you may try recovering your password using the Forgot password? link. Which will send you an email with your login details. Again, check your Spam or Junk Email Folder if you are unable to find an email in your Inbox. This login is linked to your Sing-up Email ID. So, please make sure you entered the right email address.
But if you are still unable to get your Login details please write us at [email protected] with the following details:
1. Paypal/Stripe email address (through which you made the purchase)
2. Paypal/Stripe/JVzoo/WarriorPlus/PayDotCom Transaction ID or ClickBank Order Number
3. Product Name
Note: Please make sure you are writing us from your Sign-up email so that we can track your record correctly and deliver a prompt service.