NFT Collection Maker 2.0 Standard Plans has following available upgrades at this moment:

1. NFT Collection Maker 2.0 PRO Upgrade

Main features of PRO upgrade:

a. Allows to create up-to 30 collections.

b. Allows to export up-to 10000 art pieces per collection.

c. 1 GB file hosting via Pinata API integration.

d. Automate Inserting Links To NFT Metadata.

e. Polygon blockchain NFTs.

f. Binance Smart Chain NFTs.

g. Upgraded NFT Contract With Burn Feature.

If you want to upgrade to PRO, you may learn more and buy it from our sales page here:

2. NFT Collection Maker 2.0 Agency Upgrade

Main features of Agency upgrade:

a. Allows to create up-to 250 collections.

b. Allows to export up-to 20000 art pieces per collection.

c. Ability to add up-to Subaccounts.

d. Unlimited Contract Deployment.

e. Unlimited Contract Max Mint Amount.

f. Support for Avalanche Blockchain NFTs.

g. Fantom Blockchain NFTs.

h. Harmony Blockchain NFTs.

If you want to upgrade to Agency, you may learn more and buy it from our sales page here:

3. NFTizer Flex Contract Upgrade

Main features of NFTizer Flex Contract upgrade:

a. Ability to burn unsold part of NFTs.

b. Max Mint Number Increase.

c. Unlimited Deployments.

d. Unlimited Max Mint Number.

If you want to upgrade to NFTizer Flex Contract upgrade, you may learn more and buy it from our sales page here:

4. NFT Whitelister Upgrade

Main features of NFT Whitelister upgrade:

a. Unlimited Deployments

b. Unlimited Whitelists (one per contract)

If you want to upgrade to NFT Whitelister upgrade, you may learn more and buy it from our sales page here: